Committed to sustainable tourism

Our retreats adhere to sustainable tourism, responsible tourism and eco-tourism guidelines.

We’re committed to making travel greener

Less long-haul flights

Many of our destinations are accessible by train or short city-hopper flights. Where we can, we use ground transfers.

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Pure nature

All of the trips we run are intended to bring people closer to nature. All the destinations are immersed in wilderness, coastal, bush, or mountain, and there are always activities that bring you closer to earth, closer to Home.

InRetreat sustainability

‘Seva’ - Service

The essence of yoga is to unify - awareness of all aspects of self with the world around you. The concept of seva 'service' is central to yoga and we offer many opportunities for community engagement supporting responsible tourism.

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Contribute to reforestation

Starting in 2022, we will contribute 3% of profits to - a non-profit organisation that builds upon corporate and scientific partnerships to empower communities to sustainably advance and implement innovative, high standard, scalable and lasting solutions to restore forests and landscapes.

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Only green destinations

We partner with lodges and hotels that are either fully ecological and green energy certified, or at minimum, environmentally and socially conscious in operations and ethics.

Book a retreat in one of these off-grid, sustainable lodges

InRetreat Kenya Retreat

Tawi Lodge

Amboseli, Kenya

A gold eco-certified lodge on a private concession in Amboseli National Park.

InRetreat Norway Retreat

Manshausen Island

Steigen, Norway

An off-grid private island overlooking Lofoten fjords.

InRetreat Italy Retreat

Villa Lena

Pisa, Italy

A certified organic working farm and off-grid hotel with a non-profit artist-in-residency programme.

View All Our Sustainable Destinations

Did you know that we donate 3% of annual profits to the protection of environmental sustainability?